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Metering Pump

  • Safety, reliability and efficiency, every metering pump made by Ge-star is designed with particular strengths.Whether your needs include energy-efficiency, low maintenance costs, or an extremely long service life for diaphragms. Ge-star meets the highest requirements and demands of the oil and gas, chemistry, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and biotechnology, or food and beverage industry.


    Diaphragm metering pump
    Its sophisticated modular system makes the GE-STAR diaphragm metering pump the correct industrial pump for almost all applications.
    The ecoflow series implements a flow rate of up to 19 m³/h per pump head and a discharge pressure of up to 1200 bar.

    Plunger metering pump
    Its sophisticated modular system makes the GE-STAR plunger metering pump the cost-efficient option for pumping fluids.
    we provide you a cost-effective solution for easy metering tasks with a flow rate of up to 9 m³/h per pump head and a discharge pressure up to 500 bar.